
The Index dialog box provides a complete list of encyclopedia articles grouped by category.

When the Index first appears, it lists all of the articles in the category you are currently exploring. If you got to the Index from the main menu, the list box will be empty until you choose a category.

Choosing Articles by Subject

The left side of the dialog box lists the categories in the Industries and Applications sections of the encyclopedia. Select a category name, e.g. Cable, to see a complete list of articles in that category.

The box on the right lists the articles alphabetically by title. If a scroll bar appears along the right edge of the list, you can scroll through the entire list by selecting arrows at the bottom or the top of the scroll bar.

If you would like to read one of the articles in the list, position the cursor over the title and select it. This will automatically close the dialog box and take you to the article viewing screen.

Other Options

Close - closes the dialog box and takes you back to the previous window.

Question Mark - activates this on-line help system.